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Users with GIS Lab User Accounts can access the GIS workstations in the GIS Center via eLabs. eLabs is a multi-platform system used to access applications in a virtual environment or to access remote workstations.

IMPORTANT: There are two important requirements for Cisco AnyConnect (VPN software) to work on your computer: 1. You must have antivirus software installed and updated. Enrolled FIU students can download free anti-virus software at 2. You must turn on your firewall.

General FAQs

  1. How do I access GIS software?
    • We recommend you install GIS software on your own computer, this will lower the demand on the GIS Center workstations available on eLabs. If you want to install GIS software on your own Windows computer, details can be found on our Software Licenses for Students page.
  2. What if I don’t have access to a computer?
    • FIU Libraries has a limited number of laptops available for checkout. A very small subset of these laptops has GIS software installed on them. Please inquire about this at the Circulation Desk in the Green Library. Even if you cannot get a laptop with GIS software installed, you can still access FIU GIS Center’s teaching labs via eLabs.
  3. What if I don’t have PC, only a Mac? How do I configure my Mac to be able to run ArcGIS?
    • If you’d like to install ESRI’s GIS software on your own machine, you will need to install Windows. In order to run Windows on a Mac, you must install Bootcamp, Parallels, or another program of your preference on your Mac machine that will allow you to run Windows. For more details, please visit PantherTECH.
    • The GIS Center does not provide support for iOS or Windows installation.
  4. How do I configure my PC to access eLabs?
  5. How do I access eLabs using a Mac?
    • eLabs works the same on a Mac and PC. In order to access eLabs via either a Mac or a PC.
  6. How do I install VPN and get it to work?
  7. How do I install ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro on my PC? What are the hardware requirements for ArcMap or ArcPro?
  8. ArcGIS Pro requires a login. How do I log into ArcGIS Pro?
    • ArcGIS Pro requires that you log in with your ArcGIS organizational account. You can find all information on the Software Licenses page.
  9. How do I obtain an ArcGIS Online account? What is an ArcGIS organizational account?
    • An ArcGIS organizational account (aka ESRI organizational account, AGOL organizational account) allows you to access premium and subscription-based tools and data within ArcGIS Online. ArcGIS Online is a cloud-based mapping and analysis solution from ESRI. For more details visit ArcGIS Online.
    • To obtain an ArcGIS Online organizational account, follow steps on the Software Licenses page.
  10. How do I access ArcGIS Online with an FIU Single Sign-On Account?
    • You can access ArcGIS Online with your FIU Single Sign-On Account. Follow instructions on the Software Licenses page.
  11. How can I access GIS data or coursework data?

FAQs related to GIS Lab Computers via eLabs

  1. What are the “S:”, “Q:” and “Y:” drives, and how can I access them?
    • S: – Personal drive, mapped to “\\\students$\your_username”
    • Q: – Public drive for sharing data, mapped to “\\\public”
    • Y: – Data repository drive, mapped to “\\\data”
    • When saving homework and project related data, always save on S: — never on C: !!For shared data copy the data from the Q: drive to your personal share S:
  2. Are the “S:” and “Q:” drives accessible through eLabs?
    • Once you connect to the GIS workstations virtually through eLabs it is just like being physically in the lab. All the drives that are normally seen on that workstation will still be available.
  3. When you are remotely logged into a workstation in the GIS classroom, which workstation are you logged into?
    • IMPORTANT: Please remember to SIGN OUT of the computer via the Start menu. This will ensure that the computer is available for the next user.
    • “GIS Courses” machines should be used for teaching, following the Lab Schedule (75 min sessions).
    • “GIS Homework/Research” machines should be used for homework/projects/research (480 min sessions).
  4. What happens if all the machines are in use?
    • If all the computers are in use an error message would be displayed letting the user know that no workstations are currently available. If this happens, just try back at a later time.If you have access to a Windows machine, you can get a copy of GIS software from the GIS Center. Details can be found on our Software Licenses for Students page.
  5. Default settings in the GIS software are saved in a local profile specific to a particular workstation. How is this being handled using this remote setup? Will students have to reset all defaults again each time they log in?
    • Since each workstation accessed through eLabs is randomly assigned on login, it is unlikely that the student will get the same workstation as they did on their last visit. This means that if the defaults are not what the student needs, they will need to be changed by the student.

Additional questions about access?

Help with Cisco AnyConnect (VPN Client).

Assistance with eLabs Troubleshooting.

For help with a GIS user account visit our Account Types page.

Still have questions? Contact email us at, or give us a call at (305) 348-6443 or (305) 348-7949.