Station: 202
Sub Area: ENP
BioChem Date: 2014-09-06 | |
BioChem Crew: SED/HNJ |
Location | |
Latitude | 25.57291513 |
Longitude | -80.91107265 |
NOTES: PB is a uniform layer across benthic zone except where sawgrass stems come up.
Item | Value | Description |
AIR_DEP | N | Mercury air deposition water sample field blank site (Y/N) |
BIOVOLUME | 0 | Periphyton within water column (floating and sweaters) harvested from 0.25 square meter quadrat, measured in graduated cylinder, mL |
CAMERA_A | S49549 | EPA property number of digital camera used for field documentation of habitat and soil core |
CAMERA_B | S15995 | EPA property number of digital camera used for field documentation of habitat and soil core |
CATTAIL | N | Cattail present at the station, based on visual observation, Y/N |
CHAMBER | 3 | EPA unit number for the surface water sampling chamber |
CHOPPER | N900HH | number of helicopter and associated sampling equipment and supply cache |
COND | 336 | in situ surface water specific conductance, YSI sonde, umhos/cm |
CYCLE | 11 | sampling cycle number |
DEVICE | Q | Device used for biovolume estimate, trash can T (area 0.062 square meters) or quadrat Q (area 0.25 square meters) |
DO | 10.64 | in situ surface water dissolved oxygen, YSI sonde, mg/L |
DOCSWEA | 11 | Dissolved organic carbon in surface water, mg/L (EPA SESD) |
DOMINANT_MACRO | sawgrass | Dominant macrophyte at station based on visual observation |
DUPE | N | Field duplicate station (Y/N) |
FISHNUM | 7 | number of mosquitofish collected for Hg analysis |
FLOC_or_FILM | N | biofilm or floc presence within 0.25 square meter quadrat (Y/N) |
FLOCCOLPOR | NONE | Portion of floc collected from core; none, part or all |
FLOCCONTB | 0 | number of storemore bottles used for floc collection |
FLOCCONTT | 0 | number of tubs used for floc collection |
FLOW | 1 | description of surface water flow at sampling site, based on visual observation: 1=sheetflow, 2=isolated pool (no flow), 3=uncertain |
GARMIN | S49552 | Garmin Global Positioning System EPA property number, used for navigation to the station |
GREEN_AL | N | green algae presence in 0.25 square meter quadrat (Y/N) |
LOCATION | NOMINAL | sampled within 5 meters of GPS coordinates = nominal; 5-20 meters = shifted; >20 meters = station rejected; |
LOGBOOK | 3 | Field logbook number |
OMSDFS | 15 | organic matter in soil, %, calculated as 100-ASHSDFS % (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Lab) |
ORP | 18.3 | Redox potential from YSI sonde, mV |
PB_PERISM | Y | benthic periphyton (soil mat) presence in 0.25 square meter quadrat (Y/N) |
PE_PERISW | N | epiphytic (sweaters) periphyton presence in 0.25 square meter quadrat (Y/N) |
PERI | 85 | Total percent cover of periphyton within 0.25 square meter quadrat, covered by all periphyton (PE, PB, PF) if 3-dimensional quadrat volume was compressed into a 2-dimensional plane |
PF_PERIF | N | floating periphyton presence in 0.25 square meter quadrat (Y/N) |
pH | 7.84 | in situ surface water pH, YSI sonde, std units |
PILOT | JORGE GOMES | Helicopter pilot |
PLANT_COLL | N | whole sawgrass plant collected for mercury analysis? (Y/N) |
SOILTYPE | 3 | soil type categories, by visual observation of core: 1=peat, 2=peat layers, 3=marl, 4=marl layers, 5=sand, 6=other, 7=peat over marl, 8=marl over peat, 9=marl+peat mixed |
TIME_LANDING | 15:25:00 | Helicopter landing time at station |
TIME_SAMPLE | 15:45:00 | Water sample collection time |
TIME_TAKE_OFF | 17:15:00 | Helicopter departure time from station |
TRIMBLE | A77114 | Trimble Global Positioning System EPA property number, used to determine final station coordinates, taken at the centroid of the soil core collection locations |
TRIMBLE_FILE_NAME | 4090616A | File name logged at the station by the Trimble unit |
TRIMBLE_LONG | 80.91107265 | Longitude, decimal degrees, from Trimble, post-processed |
TURB | 0 | in situ surface water turbidity, YSI sonde, NTU |
VEGTYPE | 2 | plant community observed at sampling site: 1=wet prairie, 2=sawgrass marsh, 3=pond/gator hole, 4=cattail, 5=willow, 6=cypress, 7=brush, 8=other, 9=slough |
WEATHER | 4 | weather conditions: 1=clear, 2=slightly overcast, 3=medium overcast, 4=very overcast, 5=drizzle, 6=rain |
YSI_DEPTH | 2 | depth of deployment of probe array in surface water, inches |
YSI_ID | 12 | EPA unit number for the YSI sonde |
Item | Value 1 | Value 2 | Value 3 | Average | Units | Description |
DEPBEDR | 1.2 | 1.1 | 0.9 | 1.07 | FEET | depth to bedrock, point of refusal with metal probe, feet |
FLOCTH | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | CM | vertical extent (length) of floc layer in core, cm |
PB | 2 | 2.5 | 2 | 2.17 | CM | field data: benthic periphyton, or cookie, thickness, cm, collected from 3-inch inner diameter clear polycarbonate core |
SOILCTH | 9.5 | 9.5 | 10 | 9.67 | CM | vertical extent (length) of soil sample, from soil surface to bottom of core, centimeters |
SOILTHI | 0.8 | 0.7 | 0.6 | 0.7 | FEET | soil thickness, feet, metal probe to point of refusal, calculated as difference between WATDEPTH and DEPBEDR |
WATDEPTH | 0.4 | 0.4 | 0.3 | 0.37 | FEET | water depth, measured with probe, feet |
Item | Value | Units | Q | Protocol | Description |
ASHPBFS | 740000 | mg/kg | FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory | Ash in dry samples, benthic periphyton, after ashing at 550 C, mg/kg, (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Lab) | |
ASHSDFS | 850000 | mg/kg | FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory | Ash in dry samples, soil, after ashing at 550 C, mg/kg, (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Lab) | |
ASHSDFSP | 85 | % | FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory | Ash in dry samples, soil, after ashing at 550 C, percent, (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Lab) | |
BDPBFS | 0.26 | g/cc | FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory | Bulk Density of benthic periphyton, g/cc dry weight (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory) | |
BDSDFS | 0.4 | g/cc | FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory | Bulk Density of soil, g/cc dry weight (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory) | |
CHLAPBFB | 0.078 | mg/kg | FIU nutrient analysis laboratory | Chlorophyll a in benthic periphyton, mg/kg, dry weight (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab) | |
CHLASWFB | 1 | ug/L | FIU nutrient analysis laboratory | Chlorophyll a in surface water, ug/L (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab); MRL= 0.1 ug/L | |
CHLAVOL | 140 | ML | volume of surface water filtered for chlorophyll-a analysis, ml | ||
CLSWEA | 17 | mg/L | Chloride in surface water, mg/L (EPA SESD); MRL=0.1 mg/L | ||
FNH4SWFB | 0.0086 | mg/L | J,Q-2 | FIU nutrient analysis laboratory | Filtered Ammonia in surface water, mg/L (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab); MRL = 0.0031mg/L; PQL = 0.0140 mg/L |
FNNSWFB | 0.0065 | mg/L | J,Q-2 | FIU nutrient analysis laboratory | Filtered Nitrite + Nitrate in surface water, mg/L (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab) |
FNO2SWFB | 0.0005 | mg/L | J,Q-2 | FIU nutrient analysis laboratory | Filtered Nitrite in surface water, mg/L (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab) |
FNO3SWFB | 0.006 | mg/L | J, CV | FIU nutrient analysis laboratory | Filtered Nitrate in surface water, mg/L (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab) |
H2OPBFS | 84 | % | Water content of benthic periphyton as percentage of wet weight (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Lab) | ||
H2OSDFS | 66 | % | Water content of soil as percentage of wet weight (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Lab) | ||
H2SBWEE | 0.011 | mg/L | Bottom water sulfide, mg/L, HACH method 8131 (EPA SESD Contractor) | ||
LEAF_COLL | N | Y/N | sawgrass leaves collected for carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus analysis (Y/N) | ||
MEHGPBFC | 1.2 | ng/g | FIU mercury analytical laboratory | Methyl Mercury in benthic periphyton, ng/g (FIU Mercury Lab) | |
MEHGSDFC | 0.44 | ng/g | FIU mercury analytical laboratory | Methyl Mercury in soil, ng/g (FIU Mercury Lab); 2014 MDL=0.04 ng/g; MRL= 0.12 ng/g; results reported as dry weight | |
MEHGSWFC | 0.074 | ng/L | U,B-4 | FIU mercury analytical laboratory | Methyl Mercury in surface water, ng/L (FIU Mercury Lab); MDL=0.02 ng/L; PQL=0.06 ng/L |
ORPDEPTH | 0.1 | FEET | Depth of the YSI sonde redox potential probe, feet | ||
pHPBFS | 8.15 | std units | FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory | pH in benthic periphyton as measured in 1:1 (gram wet soil: g distilled de-ionized water) slurry (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Lab) | |
pHSDFS | 7.86 | std units | FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory | ex situ soil pH, std units, as measured in 1:1 (gram wet weight soil:gram de-ionized distilled water) soil slurry (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory) | |
SO4SWEA | 0.034 | mg/L | J,Q-2 | Sulfate in surface water, mg/L (EPA SESD); MRL=0.02 mg/L | |
SRPSWFB | 1.5 | ug/L | J,Q-2 | FIU nutrient analysis laboratory | Soluble Reactive Phosphorus in surface water,ug/L (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab) |
TCPBFS | 200 | mg/g | FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory | Total Carbon in benthic periphyton, mg per gram, dry weight (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory) | |
TCSDFS | 160 | mg/g | FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory | Total Carbon in soil, mg per gram dry weight (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory) | |
TEMP | 30.14 | C | in situ surface water temperature, YSI sonde, degrees C | ||
THGPBFC | 15 | ng/g | FIU mercury analytical laboratory | Total Mercury in benthic periphyton, ng/g (FIU Mercury Lab) | |
THGSDFC | 48 | ng/g | J,QC-2 | FIU mercury analytical laboratory | Total Mercury in soil, ng/g (FIU Mercury Lab), MDL = 2.4 ng/g, MRL = 7.2 ng/g |
THGSWFC | 1.2 | ng/L | U,J,QC-1,B-4 | FIU mercury analytical laboratory | Total Mercury in surface water, ng/L (FIU Mercury Lab); MDL = 0.2 ng/L; PQL = 0.5 ng/L |
TNPBFS | 10 | mg/g | FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory | Total Nitrogen in benthic periphyton, mg per g, dry weight (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory) | |
TNSDFS | 8.6 | mg/g | FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory | Total Nitrogen in soil, mg per g dry weight (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory) | |
TNSWFB | 0.36 | mg/L | FIU nutrient analysis laboratory | Total Nitrogen in surface water, mg/L (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab) | |
TOCSWEA | 11 | mg/L | Total organic carbon in surface water, mg/L (EPA SESD) | ||
TPPBFB | 110 | ug/g | A | FIU nutrient analysis laboratory | Total Phosphorus in benthic periphyton, ug/g dry weight (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab) |
TPSDFB | 200 | ug/g | FIU nutrient analysis laboratory | Total Phosphorus in soil, ug/g (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab) | |
TPSWFB | 4.5 | ug/L | FIU nutrient analysis laboratory | Total Phosphorus in surface water, ug/L (FIU Nutrient Analysis Laboratory) |