ASHFCFS | 140000 | mg/kg | | FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory | Ash in dry samples, floc, after ashing at 550 C, mg/kg, (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Lab) |
ASHSDFS | 200000 | mg/kg | | FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory | Ash in dry samples, soil, after ashing at 550 C, mg/kg, (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Lab) |
ASHSDFSP | 20 | % | | FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory | Ash in dry samples, soil, after ashing at 550 C, percent, (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Lab) |
BDFCFS | 0.02 | g/cc | | FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory | Bulk Density of floc, g/cc dry weight (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory) |
BDSDFS | 0.08 | g/cc | | FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory | Bulk Density of soil, g/cc dry weight (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory) |
CHLAFCFB | 99 | mg/kg | | FIU nutrient analysis laboratory | Chlorophyll a in floc, mg/kg dry weight (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab) |
CHLASWFB | 3.6 | ug/L | | FIU nutrient analysis laboratory | Chlorophyll a in surface water, ug/L (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab); MRL= 0.1 ug/L |
CHLAVOL | 140 | ML | | | volume of surface water filtered for chlorophyll-a analysis, ml |
CLSWEA | 87 | mg/L | | | Chloride in surface water, mg/L (EPA SESD); MRL=0.1 mg/L |
FNH4SWFB | 0.013 | mg/L | J,Q-2 | FIU nutrient analysis laboratory | Filtered Ammonia in surface water, mg/L (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab); MRL = 0.0031mg/L; PQL = 0.0140 mg/L |
FNNSWFB | 0.0029 | mg/L | J,Q-2 | FIU nutrient analysis laboratory | Filtered Nitrite + Nitrate in surface water, mg/L (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab) |
FNO2SWFB | 0.0017 | mg/L | J,Q-2 | FIU nutrient analysis laboratory | Filtered Nitrite in surface water, mg/L (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab) |
FNO3SWFB | 0.0012 | mg/L | J, CV | FIU nutrient analysis laboratory | Filtered Nitrate in surface water, mg/L (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab) |
H2OFCFS | 98 | % | | FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory | Water content of floc as percentage of wet weight (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Lab) |
H2OSDFS | 91 | % | | | Water content of soil as percentage of wet weight (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Lab) |
H2SBWEE | 0.062 | mg/L | | | Bottom water sulfide, mg/L, HACH method 8131 (EPA SESD Contractor) |
LEAF_COLL | Y | Y/N | | | sawgrass leaves collected for carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus analysis (Y/N) |
MEHGFCFC | 2.4 | ng/g | | FIU mercury analytical laboratory | Methyl Mercury in floc, ng/g (FIU Mercury Lab); 2014 MDL=0.04 ng/g; MRL = 0.12 ng/g; results reported as dry weight |
MEHGSDFC | 3.3 | ng/g | | FIU mercury analytical laboratory | Methyl Mercury in soil, ng/g (FIU Mercury Lab); 2014 MDL=0.04 ng/g; MRL= 0.12 ng/g; results reported as dry weight |
MEHGSWFC | 0.078 | ng/L | U,B-4 | FIU mercury analytical laboratory | Methyl Mercury in surface water, ng/L (FIU Mercury Lab); MDL=0.02 ng/L; PQL=0.06 ng/L |
ORPDEPTH | 2.1 | FEET | | | Depth of the YSI sonde redox potential probe, feet |
pHFCFS | 7.4 | std units | | FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory | pH in floc as measured in 1:1 (gram wet soil: g distilled de-ionized water) soil slurry (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Lab) |
pHSDFS | 7.08 | std units | | FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory | ex situ soil pH, std units, as measured in 1:1 (gram wet weight soil:gram de-ionized distilled water) soil slurry (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory) |
SO4SWEA | 14 | mg/L | | | Sulfate in surface water, mg/L (EPA SESD); MRL=0.02 mg/L |
SRPSWFB | 11 | ug/L | J,Q-2 | FIU nutrient analysis laboratory | Soluble Reactive Phosphorus in surface water,ug/L (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab) |
TCFCFS | 450 | mg/g | | FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory | Total Carbon in floc, milligrams per gram dry weight (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory) |
TCSDFS | 440 | mg/g | | FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory | Total Carbon in soil, mg per gram dry weight (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory) |
TCVGFS | 480 | mg/g | | FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory | Total Carbon in vegetation (sawgrass leaf clippings), mg per gram dry weight (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory) |
TEMP | 28.24 | C | | | in situ surface water temperature, YSI sonde, degrees C |
THGFCFC | 160 | ng/g | | FIU mercury analytical laboratory | Total Mercury in floc, ng/g (FIU Mercury Lab) |
THGFSFC | 36 | ng/g | | FIU mercury analytical laboratory | Total Mercury in mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis), ug/kg (FIU Mercury Lab); MDL = 3.2 ug/kg; MRL = 9.6 ug/kg; reported as wet weight, composite of up to seven fish |
THGSDFC | 160 | ng/g | | FIU mercury analytical laboratory | Total Mercury in soil, ng/g (FIU Mercury Lab), MDL = 2.4 ng/g, MRL = 7.2 ng/g |
THGSWFC | 1.8 | ng/L | | FIU mercury analytical laboratory | Total Mercury in surface water, ng/L (FIU Mercury Lab); MDL = 0.2 ng/L; PQL = 0.5 ng/L |
TNFCFS | 33 | mg/g | | FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory | Total Nitrogen in floc, mg per g dry weight (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory) |
TNSDFS | 25 | mg/g | | FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory | Total Nitrogen in soil, mg per g dry weight (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory) |
TNSWFB | 1.1 | mg/L | | FIU nutrient analysis laboratory | Total Nitrogen in surface water, mg/L (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab) |
TNVGFS | 7.4 | mg/g | | FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory | Total Nitrogen in sawgrass leaf clippings, mg/g, dry weight (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory) |
TOCSWEA | 32 | mg/L | | | Total organic carbon in surface water, mg/L (EPA SESD) |
TPFCFB | 710 | mg/kg | | FIU nutrient analysis laboratory | Total Phosphorus in floc, mg/kg dry weight (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab) |
TPSDFB | 490 | ug/g | | FIU nutrient analysis laboratory | Total Phosphorus in soil, ug/g (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab) |
TPSWFB | 15 | ug/L | | FIU nutrient analysis laboratory | Total Phosphorus in surface water, ug/L (FIU Nutrient Analysis Laboratory) |
TPVGFB | 270 | ug/g | | FIU nutrient analysis laboratory | Total Phosphorus in sawgrass leaf clippings, ug/g dry weight (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab) |