
Station: 107

Sub Area: WCA3

BioChem Date: 2014-09-13
BioChem Crew: JWA/BCS


NOTES: Soil core 3 contained 10cm of detritus on top of soil. Duplicate water samples taken at this site.


AIR_DEPNMercury air deposition water sample field blank site (Y/N)
BIOVOLUME0Periphyton within water column (floating and sweaters) harvested from 0.25 square meter quadrat, measured in graduated cylinder, mL
CAMERA_AS49549EPA property number of digital camera used for field documentation of habitat and soil core
CAMERA_BS15995EPA property number of digital camera used for field documentation of habitat and soil core
CATTAILYCattail present at the station, based on visual observation, Y/N
CHAMBER2EPA unit number for the surface water sampling chamber
CHOPPERN31ATnumber of helicopter and associated sampling equipment and supply cache
COND476in situ surface water specific conductance, YSI sonde, umhos/cm
CYCLE11sampling cycle number
DEVICEQDevice used for biovolume estimate, trash can T (area 0.062 square meters) or quadrat Q (area 0.25 square meters)
DO1.45in situ surface water dissolved oxygen, YSI sonde, mg/L
DOCSWEA20Dissolved organic carbon in surface water, mg/L (EPA SESD)
DOMINANT_MACROsawgrassDominant macrophyte at station based on visual observation
DUPEYField duplicate station (Y/N)
FISHNUM22number of mosquitofish collected for Hg analysis
FLOC_or_FILMNbiofilm or floc presence within 0.25 square meter quadrat (Y/N)
FLOCCOLPORALLPortion of floc collected from core; none, part or all
FLOCCONTB1number of storemore bottles used for floc collection
FLOCCONTT0number of tubs used for floc collection
FLOW1description of surface water flow at sampling site, based on visual observation: 1=sheetflow, 2=isolated pool (no flow), 3=uncertain
GARMINS49552Garmin Global Positioning System EPA property number, used for navigation to the station
GREEN_ALNgreen algae presence in 0.25 square meter quadrat (Y/N)
LOCATIONSHIFTEDsampled within 5 meters of GPS coordinates = nominal; 5-20 meters = shifted; >20 meters = station rejected;
LOGBOOK2Field logbook number
OMSDFS87organic matter in soil, %, calculated as 100-ASHSDFS % (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Lab)
ORP-169.1Redox potential from YSI sonde, mV
PB_PERISMNbenthic periphyton (soil mat) presence in 0.25 square meter quadrat (Y/N)
PE_PERISWNepiphytic (sweaters) periphyton presence in 0.25 square meter quadrat (Y/N)
PERI0Total percent cover of periphyton within 0.25 square meter quadrat, covered by all periphyton (PE, PB, PF) if 3-dimensional quadrat volume was compressed into a 2-dimensional plane
PF_PERIFNfloating periphyton presence in 0.25 square meter quadrat (Y/N)
pH7.14in situ surface water pH, YSI sonde, std units
PLANT_COLLNwhole sawgrass plant collected for mercury analysis? (Y/N)
SOILTYPE1soil type categories, by visual observation of core: 1=peat, 2=peat layers, 3=marl, 4=marl layers, 5=sand, 6=other, 7=peat over marl, 8=marl over peat, 9=marl+peat mixed
TIME_LANDING12:20:00Helicopter landing time at station
TIME_SAMPLE12:30:00Water sample collection time
TIME_TAKE_OFF14:10:00Helicopter departure time from station
TRIMBLEA77112Trimble Global Positioning System EPA property number, used to determine final station coordinates, taken at the centroid of the soil core collection locations
TRIMBLE_FILE_NAME2091313AFile name logged at the station by the Trimble unit
TRIMBLE_LONG80.501226Longitude, decimal degrees, from Trimble, post-processed
TURB0.8in situ surface water turbidity, YSI sonde, NTU
VEGTYPE2plant community observed at sampling site: 1=wet prairie, 2=sawgrass marsh, 3=pond/gator hole, 4=cattail, 5=willow, 6=cypress, 7=brush, 8=other, 9=slough
WEATHER2weather conditions: 1=clear, 2=slightly overcast, 3=medium overcast, 4=very overcast, 5=drizzle, 6=rain
YSI_DEPTH6depth of deployment of probe array in surface water, inches
YSI_ID12EPA unit number for the YSI sonde

ItemValue 1Value 2Value 3AverageUnitsDescription
DEPBEDR6. to bedrock, point of refusal with metal probe, feet
FLOCTH0. extent (length) of floc layer in core, cm
PB0000CMfield data: benthic periphyton, or cookie, thickness, cm, collected from 3-inch inner diameter clear polycarbonate core
SOILCTH10.59.51010CMvertical extent (length) of soil sample, from soil surface to bottom of core, centimeters
SOILTHI3.33.833.37FEETsoil thickness, feet, metal probe to point of refusal, calculated as difference between WATDEPTH and DEPBEDR
WATDEPTH2. depth, measured with probe, feet


ASHSDFS130000mg/kg FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry LaboratoryAsh in dry samples, soil, after ashing at 550 C, mg/kg, (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Lab)
ASHSDFSP13% FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry LaboratoryAsh in dry samples, soil, after ashing at 550 C, percent, (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Lab)
BDSDFS0.11g/cc  FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry LaboratoryBulk Density of soil, g/cc dry weight (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory)
CHLASWFB3ug/LFIU nutrient analysis laboratoryChlorophyll a in surface water, ug/L (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab); MRL= 0.1 ug/L
CHLAVOL140ML volume of surface water filtered for chlorophyll-a analysis, ml
CLSWEA55mg/LChloride in surface water, mg/L (EPA SESD); MRL=0.1 mg/L
FNH4SWFB0.02mg/LFIU nutrient analysis laboratoryFiltered Ammonia in surface water, mg/L (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab); MRL = 0.0031mg/L; PQL = 0.0140 mg/L
FNNSWFB0.016mg/LFIU nutrient analysis laboratoryFiltered Nitrite + Nitrate in surface water, mg/L (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab)
FNO2SWFB0.0023mg/LFIU nutrient analysis laboratoryFiltered Nitrite in surface water, mg/L (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab)
FNO3SWFB0.014mg/LJ, CVFIU nutrient analysis laboratoryFiltered Nitrate in surface water, mg/L (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab)
H2OSDFS89% Water content of soil as percentage of wet weight (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Lab)
H2SBWEE0.6mg/LBottom water sulfide, mg/L, HACH method 8131 (EPA SESD Contractor)
LEAF_COLLNY/N sawgrass leaves collected for carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus analysis (Y/N)
MEHGFCFC3.1ng/gFIU mercury analytical laboratoryMethyl Mercury in floc, ng/g (FIU Mercury Lab); 2014 MDL=0.04 ng/g; MRL = 0.12 ng/g; results reported as dry weight
MEHGSDFC2.4ng/gFIU mercury analytical laboratoryMethyl Mercury in soil, ng/g (FIU Mercury Lab); 2014 MDL=0.04 ng/g; MRL= 0.12 ng/g; results reported as dry weight
MEHGSWFC0.18ng/LFIU mercury analytical laboratoryMethyl Mercury in surface water, ng/L (FIU Mercury Lab); MDL=0.02 ng/L; PQL=0.06 ng/L
ORPDEPTH2.2FEET Depth of the YSI sonde redox potential probe, feet
pHSDFS7.5std units FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratoryex situ soil pH, std units, as measured in 1:1 (gram wet weight soil:gram de-ionized distilled water) soil slurry (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory)
SO4SWEA9.7mg/LSulfate in surface water, mg/L (EPA SESD); MRL=0.02 mg/L
SRPSWFB13ug/LFIU nutrient analysis laboratorySoluble Reactive Phosphorus in surface water,ug/L (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab)
TCSDFS460mg/g FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry LaboratoryTotal Carbon in soil, mg per gram dry weight (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory)
TEMP27.54C in situ surface water temperature, YSI sonde, degrees C
THGFCFC100ng/gFIU mercury analytical laboratoryTotal Mercury in floc, ng/g (FIU Mercury Lab)
THGFSFC54ng/gFIU mercury analytical laboratoryTotal Mercury in mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis), ug/kg (FIU Mercury Lab); MDL = 3.2 ug/kg; MRL = 9.6 ug/kg; reported as wet weight, composite of up to seven fish
THGSDFC85ng/gFIU mercury analytical laboratoryTotal Mercury in soil, ng/g (FIU Mercury Lab), MDL = 2.4 ng/g, MRL = 7.2 ng/g
THGSWFC2.4ng/LJ,QC-1FIU mercury analytical laboratoryTotal Mercury in surface water, ng/L (FIU Mercury Lab); MDL = 0.2 ng/L; PQL = 0.5 ng/L
TNSDFS28mg/g FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry LaboratoryTotal Nitrogen in soil, mg per g dry weight (FIU Soil/Sediment Biogeochemistry Laboratory)
TNSWFB0.76mg/LFIU nutrient analysis laboratoryTotal Nitrogen in surface water, mg/L (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab)
TOCSWEA21mg/L Total organic carbon in surface water, mg/L (EPA SESD)
TPSDFB860ug/gFIU nutrient analysis laboratoryTotal Phosphorus in soil, ug/g (FIU Nutrient Analysis Lab)
TPSWFB8.8ug/LFIU nutrient analysis laboratoryTotal Phosphorus in surface water, ug/L (FIU Nutrient Analysis Laboratory)


P360 P315 P270 P225 P180 P135 P090 P045 P000



Vegetation Map

No vegetation map available.