Olsen: 2
Everglades National Park (ENP)
FIU Station: 10
Panel: Regular | Season: Spring |
BioChem Date/Time: |
BioChem Crew: |
Plants Date: 2005-05-21 | Aquatic Date: |
Location | | NAD83 | NAD27 |
Latitude | | 25.406236 | |
Longitude | | -80.761712 | |
UTM Y (northing) | | 2809749 | 2809952 |
UTM X (easting) | | 523945 | 523966 |
Item | Value | Description |
Cycle | 6 | sampling cycle number |
Station | 10 | sampling station numbers, unique for 2005, assigned by EPA to the Olsen site numbers; many of the FIU researchers use these numbers as their sample identifiers |
PlantDate | 2005-05-21 | Plant collection date |
Item | Value 1 | Value 2 | Value 3 | Average | Units | Description |
Item | Value | Units | Q | Protocol | Description |
All sites sampled had 1 transect that ran south to north, with the southern end sampled 5 m due west of the biogeochemical sampling point.
If a second “habitat type”, as based on visual assessment of the botanist in the crew, was located within a 50 m radius of the first sampling point, a second transect was done in that habitat.
Left Panorama
Right Panorama
The number in each plant column records the number of quarter-meter-squared quadrats in 5 (1-meter-squared) quadrats in which that species was found at any given site.The 5 (1-meter-squared) quadrats were distributed to the right and left every 2 m along the 10 m transect.If the plant was not present, the cell has a 0;if the plant was present in every quarter-meter-squared quadrat, the number in the cell is 20.
Item | Transect 1 | Transect 2 | Family | Scientific Name | Common Name |
DyscAngu | 2 | | Acanthaceae | Dyschoriste angusta | Rockland twinflower, Pineland snakeherb |
JustAngu | 1 | | Acanthaceae | Justicia angusta | Narrow-leaved waterwillow |
RuelSucc | 2 | | Acanthaceae | Ruellia succulenta | Thickleaf wild petunia |
SagiLanc | 1 | | Alismataceae | Sagittaria lancifolia | Bulltongue arrowhead, Lanceleaf arrowhead |
IvamIcr | 4 | | Asteraceae | Iva microcephala | Piedmont marshelder |
MikaScan | 2 | | Asteraceae | Mikania scandens | Climbing hempweed, Climbing hempvine |
PlucRose | 17 | | Asteraceae | Pluchea rosea | Rosy camphorweed |
SoliStri | 2 | | Asteraceae | Solidago stricta | Narrow-leaved goldenrod, Wand goldenrod |
SympAdna | 2 | | Asteraceae | Symphyotrichum adnatum | Clasping aster, Scaleleaf aster |
HeliPoly | 3 | | Boraginaceae | Heliotropium polyphyllum | Pineland heliotrope |
EvolSeri | 2 | | Convolvulaceae | Evolvulus sericeus | Silver dwarf morningglory |
IpomSagi | 1 | | Convolvulaceae | Ipomoea sagittata | Everglades morningglory, Saltmarsh morningglory |
CladJama | 15 | | Cyperaceae | Cladium jamaicense | Saw-grass, Jamaica swamp sawgrass |
RhynDive | 7 | | Cyperaceae | Rhynchospora divergens | Spreading beaksedge |
PhylCaro | 4 | | Euphorbiaceae | Phyllanthus caroliniensis subsp. saxicol | Rock Carolina leafflower |
ProsPalu | 9 | | Haloragaceae | Proserpinaca palustris | Mermaid weed, Marsh mermaidweed |
TeucCana | 4 | | Lamiaceae | Teucrium canadense | Wood sage, Canadian germander |
CassFili | 8 | | Lauraceae | Cassytha filiformis | Lovevine, Devil's gut |
ByrsLuci | 1 | | Malpighiaceae | Byrsonima lucida | |
AndrSp1 | 1 | | Poaceae | Andropogon sp. | |
ArisPurp | 2 | | Poaceae | Aristida purpurascens | Arrowfeather threeawn |
MuhlCapi | 11 | | Poaceae | Muhlenbergia capillaris | Muhlygrass, Hairawnmuhly |
SchiSang | 1 | | Poaceae | Schizachyrium sanguineum | |
ChioAlba | 1 | | Rubiaceae | Chiococca alba | |
AnemAdia | 1 | | Schizaeaceae | Anemia adiantifolia | |
PhylNodi | 5 | | Verbenaceae | Phyla nodiflora | Frog fruit, Turkey tangle fogfruit, Capeweed |
In the 2005 R-EMAP sampling invasive exotic plant species were surveyed in two ways. The first survey was done on the helicopter fly-in to the GPS site and covered the general area of the site, while the second was a 360° site survey from the helicopter pontoons after landing and covered the immediate area of the site. In the aerial (A) helicopter survey we looked for the presence of six invasive exotic species (Casuarina spp., Lygodium microphyllum, Melaleuca quinquenervia, Neyraudia reynaudiana, Pennisetum purpureum and Schinus terebinthefolius), as well as the presence of cattail (Typha domingensis). In the survey from the helicopter floats (F) we recorded the presence of any exotic seen; the only additional exotic species observed from the floats was Salvinia minima. In both surveys we recorded the presence of species and quantified their abundance using categories for the number of individuals. The categories used were 0 (i.e., not present), 1 individual, 2 - 10 individuals, and > 10. We did not find Neyraudia reynaudiana at any site, so this species was not included in the database.
Item | Abundance | Scientific Name | Source |
CasuSp_A | 0 | Casuarina species | aerial fly-in |
CasuSp_F | 0 | Casuarina species | floats |
LygoMicr_A | 0 | Lygodium microphyllum | aerial fly-in |
LygoMicr_F | 0 | Lygodium microphyllum | floats |
MelaQuin_A | 0 | Melaleuca quinquenervia | aerial fly-in |
MelaQuin_F | 0 | Melaleuca quinquenervia | floats |
PennPurp_A | 0 | Pennisetum purpureum | aerial fly-in |
PennPurp_F | 0 | Pennisetum purpureum | floats |
SalvMini_F | 0 | Salvinia minima | floats |
SchiTere_A | 0 | Schinus terebinthefolius | aerial fly-in |
TyphDomi_A | 0 | Typha domingensis | aerial fly-in |
TyphDomi_F | 0 | Typha domingensis | floats |
Vegetation Map